Super Bowl XLVII - The Big (Relatively) Easy


New Orleans has a lot if instantly identifiable attributes, so it was tough to find one of those attributes that’s not been used in a lot of other places, specifically with typography. Despite all that, this one came together quickly.

Since the city is home to several major sports franchises, and these logos are heavily text-based, it was a challenge to make the typography our own without feeling that we just cribbed from other high-profile work (we’re almost guaranteed to unconsciously take something in this whole project from somewhere else). To achieve that, we used color and a (hopefully) new take on the treatment of the numerals.


The other challenge was navigating how much we love the Super Bowl XXXI logo (it’s our second favorite) to not just create an “updated” version of it.

So we turned our eye toward the architecture of the French Quarter’s Creole townhouses, and what stood out to us was unexpected: the railings.

We chose a treatment that isn’t as ornate as some of those samples so the idea would be simple and readable in a font with heavy serifs and stark thicks and thins for contrast. The supporting font we found had a good mix of curves and corners to support the main imagery too.

Next week, the game makes it’s debut in the Empire State… kinda.