Super Bowl LIII - The Game That Won't Go Away


Super Bowl LIII was not a good game. It may have been an interesting game, but it was awful, enough so that it cursed our process. More on that at the end.

Anyway, the game returns to Atlanta, and we return to a more classic-era-minded concept. We’re just two regular people, and life can get in the way, so we took some time off from any exhaustive deep dives went straight for architecture. Here we have the Concourse at Landmark Center, better known as the King and Queen towers, with their iconic lattice structures. Technically, they’re in Sandy Springs, but are considered an identifier of the Atlanta skyline.


Nothing much more special with this go-around, just a solid layout without getting too fancy. We tried to work in some yellow accent color, and stayed away from all the custom fonts we’ve been using for the past two logos.

It was during the process of finishing up this logo that we had all our working files evaporate. Sometimes technology bites you in the can. We were able to save some work, but there’s a lot of groud-up reworking to do. Suffice it to say it took the wind out of our sails, so we gave ourselves some extra time to regroup and deal with the rest of what life’s throwing at us.


In two weeks, we finally get current and post the final logo in this big whole thing: Super Bowl LIV.