Super Bowl LVI - LAXed Standards?

So we’re in a weird place. We’re into informed, researched, inspired work that represents something. Sadly, that tends to come with brandspeak, which more and more feels like it’s become a crutch justify high-profile products with underwhelming design. Specifically, this travesty from the Washington Commanders. In that, the first bullet says the white away uniforms tell “the story of forward movement and speed.” That gem then gets breadcrumbed into representing the innovation of an entire city, citing historical figures. For a league-required white uniform. Right.

Anyway, all this to say that for Super Bowl LVI, we wanted to find inspiration and represent something, but focus on making the composition work on its own merits without forcing anything. Which is a long way to say “simplify.”

Some of our favorite Super Bowl logos present simple concepts in a tight composition, and reveal their details gradually. We hope we hit that sweet spot this year.

So where did all that land us?

Yeah, it’s the airport. Not exactly a cultural center of any city, but the NFL is returning to LA after almost 50 years. Arriving in LA, these two elements let you know where you are with a bang. Also this:

Hello, fun negative space! So we used that, added the pillars behind for a solid background and frame, and played with some skewed perspective. The end!

Thanks for reading and following along! Enjoy the game.